Start exploring in Hoorn with a ready-made city guide

Hoorn is a historic city with a special atmosphere. The past of the powerful VOC is still palpable. See old warehouses or visit the atmospheric harbour where, with a little luck, you'll see fishermen hang their nets to dry. In addition to the many monuments Hoorn has several museums and a varied shopping offer. For example, in the center you will find nice home shops but also special antique and fashion shops.

Hoorn 15 tips stores most delicious delicacies lunch guide

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15 places with all the goodies of the city together

Horn 10 best places delicious lunch high tea center hotspots

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For a lunch or High Tea you'll be right at these 10 places

History Hoorn VOC Bossuhuizen Main Tower museums monuments

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Dive into the Golden Age and trade the shore for the water


Discover Dutch Cities - In 5 minutes your own city guide

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